Monas de Pascua
Another illustration for labels. This time for the Season of Easter, for the chocolate brand Simón Coll. I'm sorry about the quality of the pictures, it's really cool to see your work on supermarkets and in the sweety area!
Another illustration for labels. This time for the Season of Easter, for the chocolate brand Simón Coll. I'm sorry about the quality of the pictures, it's really cool to see your work on supermarkets and in the sweety area!
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Etiqueta de vino diseñada para Australia, para la compañia 'Some Young Punks'. El concepto 'Buried in Time'.
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Double spread illustration for 'El Corte Ingles'. This illustration is being published in all the magazines and newspapers along Spain, it's so awesome.
Ilustración a doble página para 'El Corte Ingles'. Estoy muy contenta con la difusión que esta teniendo, sale en toda la prensa nacional, es genial.
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Hi There! Some new illustrations I did a couple of months ago for LDS Living Mag. The article analyzed how the world is ruled by an impossible beauty and the huge benefits it produces . The text was focused on building self-confidence and not paying so much attention in how we look. Archimboldian inspiration, yes!
Hola! Otras ilustraciones nuevas que hice hace un par de meses para LDS Living, una revista americana. El artículo analizaba como el mundo se rige por unos cánones de belleza imposibles y como se enriquecen con ello. El texto se centraba en mejorar la confianza en uno mismo y no prestar tanta atención al físico. Inspirada por Archilboldo, claro!
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