
New Website


good news!

I'm moving my website, switching it to cargocollective. I have to say I was quite attached to the old one, I'll be always grateful to Tom Filepp for the great work he did on it. But from now  on my website will be hosted at www.raquelissima.com

While it's moving you can visit it at http://cargocollective.com/raquelaparicio.

Hope you like it!


Illustrating an irritating quote

Esto es un trabajo personal, para ilustrar el dicho 'No hay mujer fea, sino mal maquillada'. Me parece una de los refranes más absurdos, superficiales y constrictivos.

This is a personal work to illustrate the saying 'There are not ugly women, just lazy ones'. I find it quite irritating, absurd and superficial. 

I hope you like it!


Album art, Las Rodilleras

Para su último LP, 'Tres'

For their upcoming LP, 'Tres'. 


Las flores de Irina

Mi último libro ilustrado, 'Las flores de Irina' para SM ya esta a la venta. Un relato sobre sirenas árticas escrito por la increible Mónica Sánchez bajo la supervisión artística de la fantástica Lara Peces.  Me encanta trabajar con solo dos tintas, es una limitación con la que me siento muy cómoda pero me hace experimentar a la vez.

Some of the images from my recent illustrated book, 'Las flores de Irina' for the spanish publishing company SM is avalaible in stores now (only in Spain). I worked with a wonderful team here, the writer Monica Sanchez and the AD Lara Peces. I love the limitations of working with two inks, I feel really comfortable with it but experimental at the same time.


white magic