Drawing Jam en mi estudio!
Hola! Este sábado en mi estudio 'Drawing Jam' con café, té, bizcochos y galletas caseras para los dibujantes aunque madruguen.
Empezará a las 10:00 de la mañana y acabará a las 11:45, entrada libre para los que lleguen!. Para ajustar el horario y no obligar a nadie a madrugar, vamos a dibujar y ponernos gorditos juntos a partir de las 16:00 horas en The Sotano debajo de mi estudio (así cabremos más).
'Los dialogos del Señor Boliche' traen este fin de semana a Valladolid a invitados como Juanjo Sáez, David Sánchez, y Mireia Pérez. Me han invitado a una mesa redonda con esta última para debatir sobre la ilustración y el cómic.
Aquí podeís ver los horarios de las charlas y actividades!
La ilustración es para una expo en San Francisco para el próximo mes, para eso queda mucho asi que ya os iré contando.
Hi! This Saturday morning I'll have a 'Drawing Jam+ brunch' with coffee, tea and home baked cookies and cakes for the early riser artists!. The event will tale place at my studio at 10:00 and it will end at 11:45. Open to all the drawers in town!
'Los dialogos del Señor Boliche' will bring some life to Valladolid during this weekend organizing some comic related events with special guests like Juanjo Sáez, David Sánchez, y Mireia Pérez. I'll be discussing in a round table with Mireia about illustration and comic. I feel like inviting them to have breakfast :)
The illo above is for an upcoming show which take place in San Francisco. I'll tell you about that soon.
beautiful image, smart idea!
Joder, gustosamente me apuntaba. Al café, a la expo y a todo.
hey qué buena pinta todo...
estará el gato destroza sillas?
lástima de distancias.
M: Thanks!
Eriquina: Quéee pena que vivas tan lejos, a ver si para la próxima.
Adolfo: El gato no vino, pero te echamos de menos y a Iratxe tambien :P
It looks like going to be a cold day.Hope everyone keep good mood.
I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in this topic. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future
as well.
Just wonderful. Such an amazing day but the most important thing was the fact that it was so easy and comfortable to talk. Loved it. I feel I can't write a comment worthy of the day.
Sometimes when I write, I just let the flow of the words and information come out so much that I loose the purpose. It's only after editing when I realize what I’ve done. There’s defiantly a lot of great tips here I’m going to try to be more aware of.
I am glad to post my views and points in this blog, Blogs are becoming the main source of knowing about things certainty,its importance,idolizing,either in a marketing way that one can differentiate. I enjoyed to be at here because one of my point has been cleared here.
I really like what you have posted here, it is a very well written and great article that gets right to the point. You could use a little reworking of the blog layout though, but the design is overall very nice. Great job, Thanks!
I think this article was probably a good kick off to a potential series of articles about this topic. So many writers pretend to know what they’re talking about when it comes to this topic and in reality, very few people actually get it. You seem to grasp it though, so I think you ought to take it and run. Thanks!
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